Remote Office in Isle, Minnesota
245 Main St, Isle, MN. 56432

My thanks go out to Naomi Creech. The shop is her Pet Grooming business and Isle Outfitters. She has provided me a perfect office area where we can meet privately and not interrupt the puppies getting groomed.
You can use the Main St. entrance, or park behind the shop in the alley and enter through the back door.
I plan to be in Isle every Thursday for the full day. I am OK with scheduling an appointment after working hours. Just give me a heads up and I will wait around.
There is a locked drop box at the back entrance. You can drop there anytime, but make sure and let me know so it can be emptied at the end of the day.
In most cases taxes that I receive one week can be picked up the following week. Depending on time and scheduling I may be able to do them while you wait. If they were dropped off prior to me getting there, I may get them done on the first Thursday after I receive them.